Senator Balkema’s Weekly Update: March 12

SB 9: End of Life Options Bill

Last week, I sent out a survey to gather your thoughts on Senate Bill 9, a bill that would create the End-of-Life Options for Terminally Ill Patients Act. It would authorize a qualified adult patient (18 years or older) with a terminal disease, expected to result in death within the next six months, to request that a physician prescribe aid-in-dying medication that will allow the patient to end their life unsupervised at home.

Out of the 325 responses, 59% said they do not support SB 9 and 41% said they do support SB 9.

I am opposed to SB 9 because I am concerned that legalizing assisted dying could create a dangerous precedent, leading to pressure on vulnerable individuals and eroding trust in the healthcare system. I also believe that the lack of supervision after medication is prescribed increases the risk of misuse or abuse. I will do everything I can to promote life. 

COGFA Data Points to $1.2 Billion Hole in Gov. Pritzker’s Plan

A recent revenue forecast from the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (COGFA) indicates that Governor Pritzker’s revenue projections are likely off by a wide margin, revealing a $1.2 billion shortfall in the Governor’s proposed budget.

The Governor’s budget includes $490 million in new revenues that have yet to be vetted or approved by the Illinois General Assembly. Even if these new revenues are enacted, COGFA estimates a $740 million shortfall compared to the projections from the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget.

Not only does the Governor’s proposed budget face a potential $1.2 billion hole, but his plan, if enacted, would set a new sending record for the state, marking an increase of 37% since he took office.

Making things worse, the current fiscal year is already expected to end $525 million short, further proving that the Governor’s numbers are not aligned with the state’s financial realities.

I believe the latest forecast underscores the need for a more responsible and realistic budget. Illinois deserves a fiscal plan that addresses the state’s challenges without relying on unreliable revenue projections or additional tax burdens on its residents. I will do everything I can to drive cost reductions throughout state organizations and improve efficiencies. There are many opportunities to run 6 Sigma projects that will focus on efficiency improvements. 

Illinois Residents Overwhelmingly Chose Not to Change Our Flag

The results of Illinois’ flag redesign contest revealed this week that voters chose to keep the current flag.

After a five-week public voting period, with 385,000 votes received, the current Illinois state flag received more votes than the next five top designs combined.

More than 5,000 submissions were narrowed down to 10 options, including historical flags from 1918 and 1968.

Although the public has spoken, lawmakers in Springfield will still vote on whether to adopt a new flag or keep the current design.

Standing with Families to Protect Homeschooling Rights

Last week, I had the privilege of standing before hundreds of passionate parents and children who gathered at the Capitol to advocate for the right to homeschool. The energy in the room was powerful. There were parents and children holding signs that created a shared sense of purpose uniting everyone there. I had the honor of speaking to the group and leading them in prayer, recognizing the strength and dedication it takes to choose homeschooling and commit to guiding a child’s education. House Bill 2827 threatens that choice by imposing unnecessary regulations that would restrict parental rights and limit educational freedom. These new barriers could make it harder for families to provide the individualized learning environment they believe is best for their children. I want to assure you that if this bill reaches the Senate in its current form, I will vote NO to protect the rights of parents to make the best educational decisions for their children.

You can view a video of me speaking at the rally here.

Have a great week!

Chris Balkema

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